Sunday, June 10, 2007

CSA Chronicles - Week 1

We've joined a CSA this year with Harmony Valley Farms. I'm going to do my best to chronicle the produce we receive each week along with the recipes/prep methods I used for each vegetable.

Week 1 Produce:
Arugula - mixed with hot pasta, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and garlic scapes until just wilted.
Asparagus - used as pizza topping along with red peppers
Elephant Onions - so far, haven't used. Look like green onions.
Garlic Scapes - used in the arugula pasta, the asparagus pizza and sauteed with spinach
Greens (Saute Mix) - will use in a stir fry, along with kohlrabi and elephant onions
Kohlrabi - sliced and peeled. Using for snacking and will likely make a stir-fry with some
Radishes - not a fan of radishes. Tried a bite and, yep, still don't like them. Will give to a coworker
Red Leaf Lettuce - using for salad greens.
Strawberries - eating straight out of the box!

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