Monday, June 7, 2010

CSA - Week Four

Green Beans - we roasted some Saturday night, along with some zucchini to eat as an appetizer as our Papa Murphey's pizza baked.
Bell Peppers - I've been eating them raw.
Tomatoes - yay!! I've been waiting for these!
Basil - I ate a tomato and basil salad the day we got the produce. Such a taste of summer to me.
Corn - Little A has become a huge corn fan. She eats a couple of cobbs a day.
Cucumber - I'll eat this raw in a day. I've been eating an obscene amount of cucumbers lately. They are just so refreshing!
Banana Peppers
Zucchini and Patty Pan Squash
Okra - I dislike okra. A lot. But Husband loves it, so he is trying to figure out what to do with it.

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